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Method of performing RUKU

Salah is the most important and profound Ibadah (worship) of a Muslim.

Adhering to the correct procedure, postures and etiquette of Salah enhances the reward and quality of the Salah. Ruku is a compulsory posture of Salah that should be performed correctly.

A male will perform Ruku as follows:

1. bend forward until the head and back are in a straight line

2. Remain in that position until the limbs are calm

3. Grasp the knees and spread open the fingers

4. Keep the arms away from the body and keep the elbows straight

5. Bend the knees slightly and keep the shins straight

Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (Radiyallahu Anhuma) once saw a young man performing a lenghty Salah. He asked, ‘Who knows this person’? A man replied, ‘I know him’. Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (Radiyallahu Anhuma) then said, ‘Had I known him, I would have ordered him to lengthen his Ruku and Sajdah (as well), for I have heard Nabi (ﷺ) say, ‘When a servant stands up to offer Salah, his sins are brought and placed on his head or shoulders. Each time he makes Ruku or Sajdah his sins fall off’ (Ibn Hibban and As Sunanul Kubra lil Bayhaqi)

A female will bow slightly and place her hands on her knees without spreading her fingers. She will keep her body together without spreading her arms. He back and head will not be straightened in Ruku.

Performing Salah and making Ruku is a sign of true believer. The Qur’an says regarding the disbelievers, “When it is said to them bow (in Ruku), they do not bow” (Surah Mursalat – V 49)

Method is as per Hanafi School


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