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Masjid Posters

Zul-Hijjah marks the end of the Islamic calendar and hosts the greatest gathering of mankind - the Hajj

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar laa-ilaha illallahu wal-laahu akbar Allahu Akbar wa-lillahil hamd

The month of Shawwal is the tenth month of the Hijri (lunar) calendar. During the pre-Islamic era the month of Shawwal was regarded as a month of ill-omen.

To harbour ill feelings and bad thoughts about others is a major sin. Due to its inner and subtle nature, this vice is often overlooked or taken lightly.

Name: Anas ibn Malik ibn Nadr Mother's name: Umm Sulaym, Rumaysah bint Milhan

As citizens of this beautiful country there is great trepidation about the uncertainty that plagues our nation...

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