A: There is a difference in determining the threshold of Zakah and Qurbani. In calculating the Zakah threshold, only Zakatable assets are considered as calculable wealth. However, in calculating the threshold for Qurbani becoming compulsory, all non-essential items must be added to the calculation, together with Zakatable wealth. Thus, the Qurbani threshold shall include all Zakatable wealth together with all non-essential wealth. Loans and debts are deductible.
Additionally, unlike Zakah, for Qurbani to become compulsory, it is not necessary for an entire year to pass over such wealth. Possessing the Nisab (threshold) for Qurbani on any of the days of Nahr (sacrifice, i.e.10th, 11th, and 12th of Zul Hijjah) shall make Qurbani compulsory for such a person.
And Allah Knows Best
Darul Ihsan Fatwa Dept.